Our promise

We are committed to sustainable tourism and are proud to be responsible accommodation providers for visitors who choose to stay at Marina Cove.

As part of our sustainability journey, we abide by these daily practices and continue to search for new ways to help protect the natural beauty of the Bay of Islands. We follow the business guides provided by the New Zealand Sustainable Tourism Commitment and are official partners with this program.

We welcome any suggestions you have for us to improve our practices.


  • Solar gate security alarm and signage lighting is used

  • Energy efficient whiteware and heating and cooling systems are featured in the lodge

  • All electrical equipment is completely switched off when we do not have guests staying

  • LED lighting and efficient bulbs are used throughout the accommodation

  • We encourage use of outdoor BBQ cooking using LPG gas.


  • Aluminium cans, plastics, glass, paper & cardboard are separated and re-used or recycled through the property recycle station

  • We encourage organic waste to be collected in the compost bins which is used to feed our worm farm

  • Disposable products such as paper towels & toilet tissue are bought as 100% recycled paper

  • Our cleaning system involves a combination of certified non-toxic, biodegradable products and micro cloths

  • Bathroom amenities and dish washing liquids are biodegradable and the packaging is recyclable.

  • Bottled water is purchased from New Zealand company ‘FOR THE BETTER GOOD’ who provide filtered water in fully compostable bottles without the use of plastic. Waste free water! By encouraging our guests to re-use this bottle using our filtered rain water from the tap we save on plastic waste.

  • We support the ‘THANK YOU NZ’ giving back initiative by purchasing their hand wash products

  • We encourage our guests not to dispose of left over soap bars and amenity tubes as these are collected regularly through our partnership with 'BEYOND SKIN DEEP’. Once collected, our used soap bars are sent to a specialist facility then cleaned and filtered. Each bar is shredded, heated and refined to create new hygienic bars ready for distribution to communities in need. The amenity tubes are recycled into fence posts to support industries such as farming and vineyards.


  • The lodge relies solely on fresh rain water through a tank collection system.

  • We have an on-going native re-planting program in place. Our plants are regularly mulched so need very little additional watering during summer months.

  • The water system is run on a low flow system with dual flush toilet.

  • We encourage our guests to re-use towels more than once to assist with water saving.


  • We are passionate about native bird conservation. In the past year we have planted over 100 New Zealand native plants to attract bird life and lots of beautiful morning song!

  • We conduct rigorous pest control measures to eradicate any bird destroying species so ensuring native birds can live and breed in safety.

  • Environmentally friendly weed killers and sprays are used on our gardens. Natural fertiliser from our worm farm is used on all our gardens including ornamental, vegetable and orchard trees to ensure both our own property and the neighbouring bush reserves are protected.


  • We support buying local from our own community of suppliers for breakfast provisions including seasonal fresh fruit.

  • We enjoy recommending local businesses, restaurants and cafe’s and encourage our guests to experience market produce and the delicious variety of local artisan foods available.

  • During the creation of Marina Cove, we sourced products and services from local businesses and trades people where possible and continue to do so when required.

  • We are actively involved in supporting a variety of fundraising initiatives each year.


Thankyou. Beautifully-designed and naturally-derived personal care, to refresh and nourish your skin.
The best part? Every bottle helps get water, toilets or hygiene training to people in need.

For the better good. Better for us, and for the planet. A sustainable, waste free alternative to traditional plastic bottles and packaging.

Beyond Skin Deep. Beyond Skin Deep has been set up with a single purpose: To recycle soap for distribution to vulnerable communities, improving hygiene and saving lives.